
Fraxel Thulium®

Fraxel Thulium® laser treatments in New York by Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank is a minimally invasive solution for a variety of skin conditions. The innovative technology is designed to target a wide range of skin imperfections, from fine lines and wrinkles to age spots, acne scars, and uneven texture.

How Does Fraxel Thulium Work?

Fraxel Thulium Laser treatments harness your body’s regenerative power for skin rejuvenation. Unlike traditional laser therapies, the precise application of fractional lasers creates tiny micro columns below the surface. The non-invasive method results in a healing response of accelerated collagen and elastin production and damaged skin cell turnover.

How Does Fraxel Thulium Work?

Fraxel Thulium Laser treatments harness your body’s regenerative power for skin rejuvenation. Unlike traditional laser therapies, the precise application of fractional lasers creates tiny micro columns below the surface. The non-invasive method results in a healing response of accelerated collagen and elastin production and damaged skin cell turnover.


Candidates for Fraxel Thulium Laser

It is suitable for various skin types and tones, and Dr. Frank can determine if Fraxel Thulium aligns with your specific aesthetic goals during a consultation. Ideal candidates have mild to moderate concerns of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and uneven texture. Improvement of acne scars is one of the benefits, but depending on the severity, another laser treatment may be more effective.

The Fraxel Thulium Procedure

Fraxel Thulium is performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. The laser handpiece is meticulously applied to the treatment area, delivering controlled thermal energy. Patients may experience a warming sensation during the procedure, but it is generally well-tolerated. The fractional technology targets specific zones of the skin while leaving surrounding tissue intact.


Recovery and Results

Fraxel Thulium offers minimal downtime of a couple of days during recovery. Patients can anticipate some redness and swelling immediately after the treatment, but these effects typically subside within a few days. Makeup can be applied to conceal any temporary changes in skin appearance. Over the following weeks and months, as collagen production is stimulated, the skin becomes smoother, tighter, and more radiant, with continued improvements in texture and tone.

The Fraxel Thulium Consultation Process

Achieving your aesthetic goals with Fraxel Thulium begins with a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Frank. During this initial meeting, he will assess your unique skin concerns and discuss your aesthetic aspirations. Based on this evaluation, Dr. Frank will develop a treatment that is unique to your needs. specific needs, ensuring that your results align with your expectations and enhance your natural beauty.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact PFRANKMD to begin your discovery of how the versatile benefits of the Fraxel Thulium Dual can turn back the hands of time for a vibrant, more youthful appearance. Dr. Frank and his professional team look forward to helping you achieve your beauty goals with expertly performed Fraxel Thulium laser treatments at their Upper East Side or West Village locations in NYC.


Is Fraxel Thulium Painful?

Fraxel Thulium is typically well-tolerated with the use of local anesthesia. Patients may experience mild discomfort during the procedure, but it is generally manageable.

How Many Fraxel Thulium Treatments Will I Need?

The number of sessions of Fraxel Thulium needed varies, and based on individual skin concerns and goals. Dr. Frank will provide personalized recommendations, but many individuals benefit from a series of treatments.

Are the Results of Fraxel Thulium Permanent?

Fraxel Thulium delivers enduring results, but periodic maintenance sessions may be recommended to preserve optimal skin rejuvenation.

Can Fraxel Thulium be Combined with Other Treatments?

Yes, Fraxel Repair can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to create a comprehensive skincare plan. Dr. Frank can discuss potential combination therapies during your consultation.