For a clearer, more even complexion, PFRANKMD™ features Laser Genesis. This laser treatment stimulates collagen regrowth, reduces redness and inflammation, and naturally rejuvenates your appearance. Laser Genesis successfully treats a host of other skin conditions such as enlarged pores, scars, and roughly textured skin. The zero-downtime procedure creates impressive results and each session requires only 20 minutes of your day. Patients generally experience a revitalized complexion after a series of 4-5 Laser Genesis treatment sessions in our NY office.
What is Laser Genesis?
Thoroughly trained and educated, our medical professionals are happy to deliver cutting edge aesthetic technologies that improve your appearance. Our procedure utilizes waves of light to safely penetrate the skin’s upper dermis layer, which simultaneously stimulates collagen production and treats capillaries responsible for discolored skin. In just 20 minutes, Laser Genesis can decrease redness, minimize rosacea, and shrink pores with minimal risk for side-effects. We help you achieve a smoother facial complexion, firmer skin, and a healthy glow.
Your Laser Genesis Treatment Session
Our signature procedure is designed by renowned cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank. Prior to treatment, our team will cleanse and massage the area intended for Laser Genesis. Next, your professional begins by passing the device over your facial region. You may feel your skin begin to warm up as the non-invasive laser light penetrates its surface. Since the procedure is painless, there is no need for messy gels or anesthesia. Each treatment session takes 20 minutes and patients notice gradual results as the sessions continue throughout the next few months. Results are noticeable 2 weeks after your treatments and may require additional care from time to time.
Benefits of Laser Genesis
• You’ll notice a reduction in facial scars, pore-size and redness of the facial area
• There is zero-downtime associated with this laser procedure
Schedule a Consultation
With a thorough understanding of facial anatomy, excellent patient-care, and access to the most advanced laser technology, PFRANKMD™ has the answers you’ve been waiting for. If you’d like a rejuvenated appearance, Contact PFRANKMD to schedule a consultation at our 5th Avenue or West Village location in NYC.
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