
Top 3 Treatments for Summertime Acne & Breakouts

New York City Summer Climate and Acne During the summer months, New York City sparkles with life: outdoor concerts in the park, sidewalk cafés, street fairs and markets.  Yet the hot, humid weather can wreak havoc on acne-prone skin.  Why does summertime...

I’m Over 30 – How To Avoid Acne?

We commonly associate acne with adolescence, that awkward period of growth when the body’s hormone system is overactive, creating imbalances. Most teenagers outgrow acne, but some find it follows them into adulthood. In addition, individuals who never suffered from...

Rosacea and Your Environment

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that is generally apparent on the cheeks and the nose as red, flushed patches. In many cases, it also resembles acne which leads many people to ignore it for long assuming it to be nothing more than bad acne flare-ups. However,...

Is Acne Genetic?

Acne is a skin condition that usually comes in the form of red pimples, but can also be accompanied by blackheads and whiteheads. It is caused by the small sebaceous glands which lie just beneath the skin; these glands secrete sebum (a type of oil) which moistens and...